AD company
AD Company is one of the oldest and most established companies in the Swedish promotional industry. In recent years, alongside product media, AD Company has also won contracts in the grocery retail sector, providing carrier bags. Among its clients are COOP, ICA, Willys, Citygross, and others. Today, AD Company is one of the country's largest players in reusable carrier bags.
The head office is located in Jönköping, where the warehouse and printing facility are also based. Together, we are twelve employees in Jönköping, with two additional staff members in Asia.
The product range has evolved since the company’s founding in the 1960s. With an increased focus on ensuring sustainability throughout the supply chain, the range has become more focused, but deeper. It now primarily consists of carrier bags, umbrellas, and safety products such as reflective vests, fire protection equipment, and first aid supplies. We also import custom-made products tailored to customer needs. Product sourcing occurs in Asia, where we have an extensive network, and sales are conducted through a nationwide network of resellers in Sweden.
However, we operate in an industry where products are often subject to price pressures and are frequently manufactured under questionable conditions. We have made it our mission to take responsibility in these matters. By demanding fair wages, better working conditions, and fewer harmful chemicals in the production processes, we aim to contribute to both sustainability and improved conditions for people. Being the best at imports means for us being the company with the best oversight of the conditions under which our products are made.
AD Company is a business with ambitious goals to deliver products that are produced under fair conditions, free from harmful chemicals, and meet functional requirements. This often requires us to go a few steps further than our competitors – it’s the only way to ensure that everything is done right.
We strive to make a difference with every product in our range. For us, it’s a satisfying thought that makes the effort worthwhile.
For you as a customer, our efforts mean you don’t risk tarnishing your brand. As everyone knows, a price that's too low also comes at a cost—a cost that can harm both business and brand, as well as people’s health. And in the worst case, lives. That is a price we are never willing to pay.
For us, social sustainability and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) are central and highly prioritized. We will never hide behind labels and certificates. While they are important, they unfortunately don’t always guarantee that everything has been done correctly. To remain credible, we place great value on being present and meeting those responsible face-to-face.
We have been working with CSR for many years and have learned a great deal along the way. The lessons have sometimes been costly, but we are proud not to have taken shortcuts, instead doing the work thoroughly and continuing to scrutinize processes. In this way, we have built long-term relationships with manufacturers we trust. Ultimately, it’s about being able to look you in the eye, so you can look your customer in the eye.